Statistical Guidance
Hey I need to know which test would be best for my case. I have 50 respondents forming 2 groups of managers and employees. I need to compare them and find the association between them. What test would be the best? Chi-square, T-Test or ANOVA?
Freya Rogers 8:51 am on May 9, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I know that chi-square test is used to find the relationship between categorical variables. So I think you can use that and t-test for the comparison.
Alex Kruger 9:42 am on May 17, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
There is this site on statistics which I am simply in love with, Read its blog for information about such statistical problems.
Also, take a look of this resource, its’ on inferential statistics and explains parametric and non-parametric tests.
PriyaDesai PriyaDesai 4:53 am on May 25, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I think ANOVA is the best option. I too need to make a comparison in my study, and my supervisor told me to us ANOVA. I didn’t read much about it, but I guess you can, to be sure. Also, tests are usually decided on the basis of hypothesis, so you need to refer them before settling on the tests.
Maya Verma 5:11 am on May 25, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Chi-square- a statistical method assessing the goodness of fit between a set of observed values and those expected theoretically.
T-Test- A T-test is a statistical examination of two population means. A two-sample t-test examines whether two samples are different and is commonly used when the variances of two normal distributions are unknown and when an experiment uses a small sample size.
ANOVA- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method used to test differences between two or more means. It may seem odd that the technique is called “Analysis of Variance” rather than “Analysis of Means.” I hope with the above mentioned details you would be able to extract further clarity and use the same for your research.
Andrew Builder 11:39 am on June 3, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I’ll suggest you to use T-test as your research methodology. Which will help you to compare whether two groups have different average value or not as you have 50 respondents forming 2 groups of managers and employees. You can try T-test to arrive at favourable results and avoid ANOVA because it is usually used to compare three or more variables and you have just two variables to compare.
Mats Voesenek 12:32 pm on June 21, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I think ANOVA will do as it is one of the best approaches to test hypotheses when two populations are involved. It will tell you the variations between the two samples.
Maya Verma 10:19 am on June 28, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
For determining the tests, you need to first identify the type of variable. Is it categorical, quantitative or nominal? On that basis you can use tests like Wilcoxon, paired t test, one sample t test and chi square test. I know that settling for a test is quite a work, so I would suggest you consult with your teachers on what would be the best option.
Tia Ross 5:36 am on July 1, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
ANOVA test and chi square test, this is what I am settling for, on the basis of the variables. Thank you all for helping me out. I really do appreciate it!