June, 2017 - Research Discussions

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  • sylviapetrie 9:07 am on June 24, 2017  

    I’m in my first year of doctoral program. I have been studying literature regularly to find a topic which interests me. But I could not find any! Thence I tried to look for some guide on internet and read a number of blog posts on how to choose a research topic. But then, all of […]

    Continue reading Criteria of selecting a research topic
    • Maya Verma 1:17 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

    • Tia Ross 8:19 am on June 27, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What I understand by the word ‘manageable’ topic is in terms of resources, knowledge and time. Suppose if you decide the topic Women in the 21st century which is too broad. It covers all the women around the world (black, white, Asian) who can be working in service sectors, taking care of household responsibilities. This topic also encompasses the women from all age groups whether they are married, single, divorced or dowager. You see? Here, you have got a lot of things to explore which you might not be able to study. You lack resources & time to do research. All these things you have to manage by yourself only. You must study and evaluate what all can be done, all can be studied, all can be analysed well. If you pick up large themes to work upon, you might end creating a complete mess of your PhD.
      Hoping all three questions of yours have been answered now.

  • Marie Grover 12:33 pm on June 22, 2017  

    I’m an Engineering Student at Michigan University and writing a research paper upon satellite image processing. I want to know what parameters do the peer reviewers or editors at IEEE judge manuscripts? What does the word ‘quality’ mean for them?

    Continue reading Why editors at IEEE reject papers?
    • Alex Kruger 10:35 am on June 23, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      The rejection of the paper is a subjective process and depends upon numerous factors. Improper formatting, poor writing, presentation, conceptualisation of ideas and theories could be some of the reasons why your paper can be rejected. Else, maybe your research idea isn’t new, or it may be lacking research potential, insufficient in itself or so and so.

    • DonnyShinn38 3:36 am on June 24, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hey, It cannot be said what IEEE editors check for. As already being said, formatting, presentation, poor language, improper citations, plagiarised information may lead to IEEE paper rejection. I’m adding some more information like what else they might end up analysing:
      1. Have you solved a major issue or not?
      2. Did you formulate research question after analysing the existing literature thoroughly?
      3. Is your manuscript logically structured or not?
      4. The researcher followed ethical standards and norms or not?

  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 10:22 am on June 19, 2017  

    I have drafted my manuscript, but I’m uncertain if it will be accepted and published by any international journal or not. Can someone advise me regarding the preparation of the technical manuscript for getting easily published in international journals?

    Continue reading How to write a manuscript for international journal?
    • Marie Grover 5:31 am on June 23, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I think you are asking it in the general terms. See, there is no such easy-peasy way to get easily published in any international journal as the standard of paper publication is highly advanced. Now when you have already drafted your manuscript, your next step should be the revision of the manuscript and that can only be done once you have selected one journal for publishing your paper. As of now, look for the specifications and author guidelines given by various international journals for technical papers such as IEEE & ELK Journals. This would get you an idea of what international journals expect from researchers. Hope this helps!

    • kristan1542 7:26 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      International journals include many journals across the world, which one you are referring to, can you please clarify? Each journal has its standard and codes for manuscript preparation so first make up your mind regarding the international journal which would match the research concept of your paper. Instead of searching how to prepare your manuscript, try to decide upon one good international journal.

  • Dinen 12:13 pm on June 16, 2017  

    Hi all! I’m doing a research on inter-racial marriages and mixed-race children. I am thinking of going for a qualitative analysis. Highly confused what will work the best? I am currently working with three supervisors. All of them have a different say – grounded theory, IPA, discourse analysis etc. I personally want to go for […]

    Continue reading Qualitative Analysis
  • Alex Kruger 9:43 am on June 15, 2017  

    I’m a Masters student from Malaysia. Next YEAR, I shall be seeking admission in a Canadian University for pursuing doctoral studies. Does anyone have idea regarding any university offering research scholarships and fundings for international PhD students in Canada? I have been checking many universities on Google but I’m unable to gain understanding of the […]

    Continue reading Funding for PhD students in Canada
    • Anmar Bishara 9:46 am on June 16, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      There are two types of funding that universities grant or all PhDs; one merit-based international tuition based funding and other need-based funding. Both international fundings span around $4,000-$10,000. Sincr, I ain’t acknowledged enough of how it goes in case of international PhDs, you may find this link useful https://www.profellow.com/fellowships/how-to-fully-fund-your-phd/

    • DonnyShinn38 3:49 am on June 17, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      You must stand eligible for grants and funding if getting enrolled in PhD from USA. Almost all universities ask for good scores like 110+ in GRE, PGRE and TOEFL. And once you are granted the admission with funding, you may be required to work as research assistant (fellowships) or graduate teachers with monthly stipend for next three to five years. University of British Columbia is offering a feasible deal for international students, you will get the complete information here

  • carlosfoust8864 6:50 am on June 15, 2017  

    Hey guys! I am going to start with my PhD this July at Newcastle University. After great thought, I have selected an area of research – “Theatre and Gothic Novel”. I found it pretty much interesting. I really haven’t decided on any hypothesis or any research objective. I am thinking of going with an open […]

    Continue reading Methodology – Grounded Theory
    • carinanicoll 6:54 am on June 16, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi! Your topic seems to be amazing. It has a lot of scope. You really need to be very passionate about your Research Topic if you choose Grounded Theory as its a ‘Bottom-up approach’. Your research wouldn’t be restricted to the limits of your pre-assumed hypothesis. You will find a lot of patterns and themes. It is going to be an interesting experience. No need to have second thoughts. Go ahead with it.

    • BrentCheyne 6:58 am on June 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hey….. good luck for your research. To be frank, grounded theory is the least preferred option of researchers. There is a vague roadmap ahead and you really can’t be sure if you’ll get a theory worthy enough to be presented in a thesis. Take a risk if you want to. I will suggest you otherwise.

    • Brian Johnson 7:00 am on June 20, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I believe GT is a bit underrated. It works if you have a perceptive mind. You’ll be dealing with a lot of inductive reasoning. If you ask for suggestions, I guess you can try to find a parallel between Gothic plays being enacted at the theatres & Gothic Literature. GT involves constant comparisons, memoing and deriving new themes.

    • charolettemccubb 7:04 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I suppose you are performing a research for the first time. Hope you know how to get your way around GT. You will be supposed to extract the theory embedded within the data. It’s extremely time consuming & usually works out well in case of qualitative analysis.

  • Brian Johnson 6:20 am on June 3, 2017  

    I just started with my Ph.D this february. Unluckily, my supervisor ditched me and moved to the States. I don’t care, however. He was hardly of any help. No matter how much effort I used to put, I always got a poor feedback. I don’t regret poor feedback but if I’m doing something wrong, then […]

    Continue reading Mentors and Supervisors
    • Alex Kruger 6:29 am on June 4, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      As you said, your previous supervisor criticised all your efforts, it’s better if you choose someone who gives you constructive criticism. Someone who helps you in rectifying errors. I guess that’s the most important thing. Rest it’s up to you because no matter what you’ll have to show patience with your supervisor. There’s no way of escaping it!’

    • carinanicoll 6:35 am on June 5, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I had the same problem. I still can’t imagine how I survived with him for 5 years. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky like you to get rid of him but fortunately I did manage to get done with my PhD. All credit goes to http://www.thesisclinic.co.uk/ to assist me all the way till the end. I think you should choose someone who is passionate about your research topic and is willing to go out of his way to help you out.

    • deanneweaver 6:39 am on June 8, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Shortlist some supervisors. Then ask some candidates who have been supervised by him previously. Ask them about their supervisors. What were their experiences? Were they helpful/crazy etc etc? This is the best way to make out who’s going to be worth it. Good Luck!

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