July, 2017 - Research Discussions

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  • kristan1542 12:31 pm on July 17, 2017  

    I took PhD admission two years back in Capella University with a prospect of completing it without much havoc. For the first 8-9 months, I was excited all the time while strolling in the college library, scheduling sessions with the adviser, attending the conferences. But then, this excitement took no time in turning into the […]

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    • manette 1:33 am on July 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I totally understand you. PhD is a lonely experience and you should only quit it when you feel like you can’t bear the contractions anymore. But you must understand that there are peaks and valleys in PhD research and you can finish it much conveniently than you think you cannot. It’s just that you need motivation. May be you can look for some motivation from your adviser or your colleagues. If you have survived these two years in the doctoral program, then it’s worth continuing.

    • williammccaughey 7:40 am on July 20, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It is your decision! You should only do what you love. So there are no issues if you are not loving this phd life. You know what, take a break and stop thinking about your research for a month. Get connected to nature, walk by the ocean to refresh your mind! And in this break, see if you are happy without PhD or not, do whatever you love, roam wherever you always wanted to and anything thrilling. If you are still unhappy, then it is not your PhD but some other issues that are introducing negative vibes. It is entirely your call!!!! If you want to continue, go for it. If not, think again.

    • wallybrandon7 11:41 am on July 21, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      If your mental health is giving up, then there is no better decision than quitting it. So there is this girl who quit her PhD & having a great life. May be she could encourage you in following your heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdLucqNPanM

  • wallybrandon7 7:26 am on July 11, 2017  

    Hi all. Please advise me for finding the relevant information and correct references for my thesis? I have done research and consulted a wide literature back then. I noted some of the references, but now when I began writing my thesis, I felt as if those references are way too limited. I should add some […]

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    • Marie Grover 3:30 am on July 12, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Uh! Can you please be a little specific? I mean do you want to get references for extending the references list or your thesis really lack detailed authentic information? For either of reasons, you require in depth knowledge and critical thinking. If you had a few references, you could trace a lot more by critically reading it all over again which we call a bibliographic chain. Extensive research upon some collated with other works will help you find key findings or theories supportive of your thesis.

    • sylviapetrie 2:32 am on July 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Access and use online databases that provide bibliographic records of literature for a selected field and frequently provide full text. Like ABI has abstract, index, and full text for journals, periodicals annual reports, etc. for business research.

    • DonnyShinn38 12:37 pm on July 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      This journal contains all research papers, articles and conference proceedings in the discipline of arts & humanities & especially in American Feminism. See if you can make something out of it https://www.library.ucsb.edu/node/2280

    • kristan1542 7:39 am on July 15, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What are your supervisor’s comments? Has he reviewed your references and any draft that you might have prepared? Instead of looking for something more, first write a rough draft of your literature review and get it reviewed by your supervisor, and if it lacked something significant, then he could advise you on how to proceed.

  • Tia Ross 9:05 am on July 4, 2017  

    Hi all. I have really a weird issue with my citations, and I don’t know where can I find an answer to it so here I am posting my question in the hope of getting the right advice. During the research, I found a very useful blog post by the student on a university blog […]

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    • kristan1542 11:09 am on July 5, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      This would be called negligence from your supervisor’s part. He could have advised you earlier to be careful while citing internet-only sources, that means, the sources which are not available in print form and especially when you cite a blog post. These kinds of stuff you see are not considered carrying credible value. Even I can’t advise you upon this. Sorry, I think you must consult the doctoral committee!

    • wallybrandon7 2:20 am on July 6, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hit hard at the last moment? Lesser time, tons of work still pending…this is how the PhD life goes. Reviewing the literature will surely cost so dearly to you. Being said, delete the reference and the section where you put argument or information or simply a description addressing the citation. Try to substitute with some recent psychological theory or key findings, you can also replace it with some interview-like thing as in you consult a student and then discuss your research questions or something and then quote this interview. This is I guess the best option to go for. At this time, you need to find a reliable source and a strong evidence or theory.

    • sylviapetrie 9:27 am on July 6, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      You may get help in tracing the required citations and references from any professional. I found this US-based firm which can assist you in resolving the citation issues https://www.dissertationrevision.com/ . Go through the website once, you will find the required information!

    • dorothyclemens 12:11 pm on July 7, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      No other option is available for you…you must remove it otherwise the integrity of your thesis would be under the radar of criticism. Try to find some other source similar to what earlier you got. As you said, your research is related to high school students and psychology, so perhaps you can go that university and get access to the student magazine or publications. At times, these are helpful because some of the student services actually raise the student-related issues that are faced by the student population in almost every sphere. Visit the university once, may be you find any solution over there.

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