How to go about writing a medical manuscript?
I am pursuing my research in epilepsy that has been enjoyable but still a challenge. I understand that to leave a mark, educational qualifications are not as important as research papers are. In light of this notion, I want to prepare a manuscript on my work and get it published in a reputed journal. My difficulty is that I have never written a manuscript before, which is why I need help for writing one.
How should I prepare a medical manuscript and what process must I follow of getting it published?
Posted in: Research
Brian Johnson 10:19 am on August 31, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You are right, having published research papers are real assets and essential for us scholars. A medical manuscript is as good as any other, having major headings of introduction, methods and materials, results and discussion, and conclusion.
I found this post, which addresses the medical field and though it might be of some use.
Mats Voesenek 6:02 am on September 1, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey, You can also check out this presentation:
It explains everything you need to know about writing a medical manuscript
Freya Rogers 6:08 am on September 1, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
What I understand is that first, you should contact the medical journal where you want your paper published. Most of the journals usually have a set standard for their papers, where they specify the all the requirements and format of the paper. From there you can get a clear idea of what is needed from you. Prepare a draft and then mould it in the required format.
Danielle Veronneau 5:26 am on September 12, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
While you prepare your manuscript, keep the following points in mind that you’ll find in the link. These are general tip, and not medical specific, to help you in writing a paper.