Brian Johnson - Research Discussions
Brian Johnson

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  • Brian Johnson 6:20 am on June 3, 2017  

    I just started with my Ph.D this february. Unluckily, my supervisor ditched me and moved to the States. I don’t care, however. He was hardly of any help. No matter how much effort I used to put, I always got a poor feedback. I don’t regret poor feedback but if I’m doing something wrong, then […]

    Continue reading Mentors and Supervisors
    • Alex Kruger 6:29 am on June 4, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      As you said, your previous supervisor criticised all your efforts, it’s better if you choose someone who gives you constructive criticism. Someone who helps you in rectifying errors. I guess that’s the most important thing. Rest it’s up to you because no matter what you’ll have to show patience with your supervisor. There’s no way of escaping it!’

    • carinanicoll 6:35 am on June 5, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I had the same problem. I still can’t imagine how I survived with him for 5 years. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky like you to get rid of him but fortunately I did manage to get done with my PhD. All credit goes to to assist me all the way till the end. I think you should choose someone who is passionate about your research topic and is willing to go out of his way to help you out.

    • deanneweaver 6:39 am on June 8, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Shortlist some supervisors. Then ask some candidates who have been supervised by him previously. Ask them about their supervisors. What were their experiences? Were they helpful/crazy etc etc? This is the best way to make out who’s going to be worth it. Good Luck!

  • Brian Johnson 9:51 am on August 12, 2016  

    Computer science is an interdisciplinary field with numerous subjects and sub-subjects. Now I have to select one particular domain within my scope to work on and that is where I am stuck. I want to know the trendy fields in computer science that have grasped the attention of researchers across the world, having a lot […]

    Continue reading Trending Research Areas in Computer Science
    • Mats Voesenek 9:53 am on August 12, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      You are asking a really broad question. For choosing a topic, you must narrow down a subject, to say the least. For example, networking, information security systems, artificial intelligence, etc. etc. So, decide which subject you want to study, what intrigues you the most? Then look for the trendy fields.

    • Laura Urner 7:52 am on August 29, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      LauraUrner02: I do accept that you need to narrow down the research field and for that I can help you with the major research areas in computer science. You can go through the following blog to know the trendy areas, from where you can narrow down your interests.

    • Andrew Builder 6:14 am on September 1, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Routing protocols in Wireless networks such as MANETs are one of the most popular area of research. There are numerous research papers in this field, so you can easily conduct a thorough literature review and the scope of this subject is vast and exciting. If you have any interest regarding this subject, then you should go about it. It is quite trendy.

    • Wen Hsing 5:24 am on September 12, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      You can find a trendy computer science field, which piques your interest. But finding a topic is tricky. These are some common points for selecting a supreme dissertation topic. Try it out:

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