My thesis has been rejected multiple times
My thesis has become a nightmare that I am living, I cannot even concentrate on anything this thesis sucks all the time of my life. I just want to get done with it my guide keeps rejecting my thesis and I have become fed up with this whole process itself. I cannot understand what should […]
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Jillian Harwell 11:19 am on March 15, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Diana, the first thing I’d like to say is, DITTO! I am 5 months pregnant and I am writing up too. I can totally relate with your situation, though it’s a bit different from mine. For me, being pregnant was an obsession and I thought that the PhD time will be perfect as you don’t have to go daily for work (it’s less tiring than a job). I can have a baby, take care of it, and after few years look for a job.
I didn’t imagine the ‘exhaustion’ to be so ‘exhausting’ though. And the hormones, God, I feel like I am 18. I am pissed off on everything, crying on small things and taking a lot more tension that I need to take. I am gonna advice you (what I advise myself) that take deep breaths, eat chocolate cookies and relax. You won’t be able to concentrate on writing, until and unless your mind is at peace. And how can you fast-forward the whole process, is by taking help from a friend. I made my husband write the second chapter for me (in exchange of cooking breakfast for him, daily). Maybe you can get someone to write a portion of your thesis?
Diana Freeh 10:57 am on March 18, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Jillian, Thanks for replying. I am so glad that there is someone who can understand my situation.
I don’t think I can trust anyone with my thesis-writing. My friends do offer their help but they aren’t experts in my subject. Moreover, only I know my research, so how can anyone else write up for me?
I do all the relaxing things, and recently I have started writing on the kitchen counter, which seems to work. Good thing though, that my lab work is over, thank the gods for that!