Scientific uses of tenses
Hi all! Can someone help me understand the scientific use of tenses. I am currently writing a research paper on female genital mutilation and unluckily grammar hasn’t been one of my areas of interest. And, my professor keeps on suggesting me to use the tenses in a scientific way.
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Tia Ross 3:06 am on September 5, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
As far as i know there are no strict rules when it comes to scientific use of tenses. Just keep these four tenses in your mind i.e simple past, simple present, present perfect and past perfect. You just need guidance in positioning these tenses at right places in your research study. You can take help from They provide high quality editing services. All the best. Keep writing.
sylviapetrie 2:17 am on September 7, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
It depends upon whether you are writing a fact, idea, event in the past, present or future, or simply sharing the opinion. I don’t think there is any hard and fast rule in scientific writing, and it is just that you need to be clear and to the point while writing.So, if you are stating universal facts or general statements, you should write in simple present tense. Past tense can be used for the recent research studies done, conclusions or theories were drawn. Also, present perfect can be used if unclear about the time of any occurrence or event. Not to forget, you must use simple past tense with the passive voice, and for conclusion section, present perfect tense can be used.
wallybrandon7 12:23 pm on September 13, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You may choose to glance this book. It focuses on the scientific writing in the medical field. Thought it to be helpful for you. Good luck and write well!
abbiehrv20215 9:32 am on September 14, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Use of correct tenses while writing your thesis is important and use of English language at right place can be very confusing. The situation gets significantly more tangled when you need to choose which tense to use while composing a scientific research paper. In scientific writing, use of tenses relies on the section of the paper being written. I will highlights some secret to using tenses in scientific writing which my professor told me. Use simple present tense for defining the objective of the study, review of literature, and results of past research. Simple past tense to explain existing research on the topic and to describe your actions i.e how you did it or why you did it. In the end, in your discussion section, use past tense to summarize findings, present tense to present results and conclusion and finally use future tense to make recommendations for future research aspects. I hope i was able to answer your query. Best of luck.