What to do when your mentor ‘miss-treats’ you?
My guide is a big FLIRT! There is no decent way to put it, but he is a complete pervert, scanning me from head to toe every time I seek his guidance! I am doing my master’s in MBA and I am currently in first year. The problem is that the old bloke is way […]
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Wen Hsing 1:04 pm on March 7, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I am so sorry to hear this! I am really disgusted with the way he’s treating you. Stop thinking about quitting, you are not at fault! And your right, no legal action can be taken but something needs to be done. The administration won’t listen to you but you can take help from your friends? Networking sites? Your family?
PriyaDesai PriyaDesai 5:53 am on March 8, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey EdenBrockman, I am sorry for the situation you are in but you need to be strong. My supervisor wasn’t a flirt but yeah, he was rude and overbearing. The best way to treat men like them is to show them there place! You said that your guide has friends in the administration, but I am sure that not all are on his side? Have you tried talking to the principal? If you don’t want any big drama then just go to the principal, tell your problem and simply switch your guide. That is the most easy way out!
Eden Brockman 6:30 am on March 9, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I haven’t told about this to anyone. I don’t live with my family and don’t want to bother them. No, I haven’t talked to the principal and I am afraid in doing so, what if it back fires again? I’ll lose all my marks. And even if I am able to get through the principal, what if my next guide is even worse? Or a friend of the previous one?
PriyaDesai PriyaDesai 11:15 am on March 15, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You need to take a step girl. As you are already thinking about quitting, why not take a chance? If it won’t work, you can quit but what if it works?