What is ABD?
Can anyone tell me what actually is ABD? My supervisor scares me that I would be called ABD if I don’t work harder and focused. There are numerous articles available describing ABD status but I don’t find anything disgraceful about it. What are your opinion pals?
Lucie Roger 3:25 am on December 3, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
First of all, ABD stands for ‘All But Dissertation’ used to identify those PhD students who have successfully prepared coursework, passed preliminary exam or any other qualification required for PhD but yet has to complete or defend thesis successfully. And to get more clear idea of ABD, check out this article http://www.slate.com/articles/life/education/2014/08/abds_all_but_dissertation_ph_d_candidates_who_can_t_quite_finish.html
manette 5:09 am on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I agree. It’s not at all disgraceful. If it is disgraceful then how about PhD candidates? A candidate is someone is enrolled in PhD and may or may not have completed his coursework. And ABD is much more advanced than a candidate since he has completed coursework and fulfilled other requirements, only left dissertation.
abbiehrv20215 5:14 am on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
But isn’t ABD is called a candidate who has done all but dissertation? In my opinion, candidate and ABD can be used interchangeably.