Marie Grover - Research Discussions
Marie Grover

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  • Marie Grover 12:02 pm on October 13, 2017  

    Guys, can someone please help me in formatting my research paper in APA format? I have written one research paper which I need to submit to a journal within a month. The editors of the journal have asked me to format its presentation as per the APA format. I have bought an APA guide for […]

    Continue reading APA formatting guidelines for presentation of research paper
  • Marie Grover 6:50 am on September 28, 2017  

    Hi. I’m having issues with my advisor with my publishing of my research paper. He is saying that I should submit it to any journal of low level because he thinks they would easily publish my research paper without any hassle. But I want to publish in a good journal having a good impact factor. […]

    Continue reading Where to publish my manuscript?
    • manette 3:13 am on September 29, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I am expecting you must be having more than one mentor. So, you can do one thing. If you are unable to persuade the current one then you can try and convince the other one. There is a high probability that the other mentor would agree with you.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 5:43 am on October 3, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      In my opinion, you should listen to what your advisor has to say. He is senior to you and has more experience than you in this field. Go with his advice, and this is just the beginning, later in your academic and professional career, your research paper will get published in reputed journals.

    • Maya Verma 11:53 am on October 4, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Well, this seems to be a serious problem. What you can do from your end is, try to put strong points in front of your advisor for the second time. Make all efforts to convince him that the research paper is strong enough to be published in a good journal. Present it well, so that it gets approved this time. Best of luck.

    • Tia Ross 7:34 am on October 7, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi! Can you just go through the following link! It has a lot of advice regarding how you can deal with your supervisor’s advice regarding publishing research papers. Here it is – Hope it will help you.

  • Marie Grover 12:33 pm on June 22, 2017  

    I’m an Engineering Student at Michigan University and writing a research paper upon satellite image processing. I want to know what parameters do the peer reviewers or editors at IEEE judge manuscripts? What does the word ‘quality’ mean for them?

    Continue reading Why editors at IEEE reject papers?
    • Alex Kruger 10:35 am on June 23, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      The rejection of the paper is a subjective process and depends upon numerous factors. Improper formatting, poor writing, presentation, conceptualisation of ideas and theories could be some of the reasons why your paper can be rejected. Else, maybe your research idea isn’t new, or it may be lacking research potential, insufficient in itself or so and so.

    • DonnyShinn38 3:36 am on June 24, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hey, It cannot be said what IEEE editors check for. As already being said, formatting, presentation, poor language, improper citations, plagiarised information may lead to IEEE paper rejection. I’m adding some more information like what else they might end up analysing:
      1. Have you solved a major issue or not?
      2. Did you formulate research question after analysing the existing literature thoroughly?
      3. Is your manuscript logically structured or not?
      4. The researcher followed ethical standards and norms or not?

  • Marie Grover 5:58 am on November 7, 2015  

    Hi, I have just started my Ph.D. and the topic of my research is on “Multi-generational techniques for encouraging the consumption of green products among consumers of all generations”. My advisor has asked me to build a research design for my topic. She explained all the concepts that are incorporated in the design, but what […]

    Continue reading Formulating a research design
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