Conference presentation! Tips needed!
Hi, I have a conference in three weeks from now and I am actually really psyched about it. I mean, it is an international conference and all these knowledgeable people of my research area will be there and it is my first time, so yeah, I am completely freaked out. The only presentations that I […]
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Eden Brockman 4:15 am on September 5, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Work on your presentation. The matter in your slides should be short and visible, while the design must be appealing. You can use power point for that, it is the easiest tool to use, or use HTML, if you know it.
Tia Ross 4:23 am on September 5, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I think the questions that follow after the presentation are the biggest hurdle, so you must be prepared to answer all the queries. Have a look at the following tips for that: