HarryStewart HarryStewart - Research Discussions
HarryStewart HarryStewart

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  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 11:53 am on January 2, 2018
    Tags: PhD thesis, research ethics, research methodology   

    Hello! I am a PhD student of Sociology, my research investigates the Penan people, a nomadic indigenous community that remains to be hunters and gatherers. My research, studies the impact that widespread deforestation has left on dozens of Penan families, with no other choice but to flee their ancestral homes. Once displaced, these hunter-gatherer tribes, […]

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    • manette 12:10 am on January 2, 2018 | Log in to Reply

      Name: Andrew Mannete Email: [email protected]
      Hi !! your research sounds interesting as well as intriguing, humanistic studies is undoubtedly a complex domain for research. As much you have manged to describe about your research here, on the basis of it I am unable to suggest a precise research methodology. However currently there are innumerable studies being conducted on tribal communities of South America and Native Americans, using ingenious ways that to communicate and understand the tribal culture as well as people. The following portals might help you get a number of research papers, which might as well give you a chance to evaluate the various methodologies employed in these papers and then work your way through it.

    • Maya Verma 4:11 am on January 3, 2018 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, your apprehension is absolutely reasonable, I am not trying to generalize but I faced a similar experience when I was writing a research paper on the tribal community of the Bhils in Gujrat, India. In conducting research on indigenous communities, first hand communication is an invariable limitation which can be mitigated if you could rope in any experienced and quality translator but it cannot be totally done away with. It could be helpful if you could reach out to any journalist or an anthropologist who have worked around and about your research area.

  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 10:22 am on June 19, 2017  

    I have drafted my manuscript, but I’m uncertain if it will be accepted and published by any international journal or not. Can someone advise me regarding the preparation of the technical manuscript for getting easily published in international journals?

    Continue reading How to write a manuscript for international journal?
    • Marie Grover 5:31 am on June 23, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I think you are asking it in the general terms. See, there is no such easy-peasy way to get easily published in any international journal as the standard of paper publication is highly advanced. Now when you have already drafted your manuscript, your next step should be the revision of the manuscript and that can only be done once you have selected one journal for publishing your paper. As of now, look for the specifications and author guidelines given by various international journals for technical papers such as IEEE & ELK Journals. This would get you an idea of what international journals expect from researchers. Hope this helps!

    • kristan1542 7:26 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      International journals include many journals across the world, which one you are referring to, can you please clarify? Each journal has its standard and codes for manuscript preparation so first make up your mind regarding the international journal which would match the research concept of your paper. Instead of searching how to prepare your manuscript, try to decide upon one good international journal.

  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 12:05 pm on August 29, 2016  

    I have been officially tagged with the unofficial term ABD, as it has been more than 5 years of my PhD with no scope of completing the dissertation. I have completely lost my focus due to my priorities of resolving the issues of my life. And now I just see it as something which is […]

    Continue reading How to get out of ABD status?
    • Jillian Harwell 10:13 am on August 31, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      One thing I can say is that you are not alone! It usually takes time to write a dissertation and 5 years is not that bad actually. The thing with ABD is that life takes over the studies and you no longer have time to complete your dissertation, and so you get stuck. While I am still doing my PhD, my brother went through something around the similar lines. Not many people will agree on a social site but taking professional help is the most safest and effective option. I am attaching a link to a website from where I got editing done for my research paper. You can go through their site and this blog, which might help you out.


    • Diana Freeh 4:50 am on September 3, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Well, to cross ABD status, you should participate in dissertation workshops with motivational strategies, group discussions and seminars organised by various institutes. These workshops provide you with expert and professional advice on how to go about your research. They can help you understand what you are missing. And as far is writing is concerned, you can join a writing centre for that and trust me, there are tons of them around.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 4:10 am on September 5, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the replies. Taking professional help is my last option, but before I would like to try the writing centres.

      @dianafreeh: Do these centres offer online help? And can you please share with me the list of good writing centres?

    • Diana Freeh 5:29 am on September 12, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Yes they do. There are online writing centres. I am sharing a link to a website where you will find a list of 100 resources. Though the list comprises of other academic resources, most of them are writing centres, top ones. You can select the centres from this list, and then go to their website, talk to them and see how that works. Good luck.


  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 11:01 am on March 18, 2016  

    So, I got my Viva in September and I was wondering from where should I start. I want to be thorough with my preparation and would love it, if those who have given viva can share their experiences. Like, how did you prepare? what all did your examiners ask? Where there any corrections to be […]

    Continue reading How do I defend my PhD?
    • Laura Urner 5:41 am on March 30, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Don’t be lazy- That’s my only advice. We all have so much time before the actual viva, that we don’t start preparing for it until it’s literally onto our heads. I regret not preparing well and then made a fuss about it in the end. When the moment arrived, my palms were sweaty, I was nervous like hell, the five examiners were pretty intimidating. God! It was HORRIBLE. Whereas, 3 of the examiners were onto me, probing my brain and giving me a hard time, 2 of them were just sitting and writing, analysing, I guess they were bored.

      You need to prepare real well, study your work thoroughly and give it some time to revise. Hope you do well! Good luck in advance!

    • Anmar Bishara 9:20 am on April 13, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      My viva was great and the only reason for it is that I was well prepared. Being ‘know it all’ can boost your confidence to a high level and get you rid of those nerves.
      I started preparing for it as soon as my date was out. First I made notes, a lot of them, about every chapter. I pointed out every possible questions that could be asked and prepare the answers. Apart from that, I kept track of all the ‘discoveries’ being made in my research area. Maybe I am too big of a book worm but it was all worth it.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 12:04 pm on April 20, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for sharing your experiences. What I gather from you is that, anything can happen and I should thoroughly prepare for it. Though I have a doubt, do they ask anything outside of your research?

    • Jillian Harwell 9:57 am on May 6, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Hey, everyone will tell you what to do and how to prepare for why. But I think that contemplating on what not to do is equally important. Try this reverse method.
      I found this blog on what shouldn’t be done in a viva:

    • Laura Urner 9:56 am on May 17, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Yes, they can ask you outside of your research findings but those questions will be non-academic! One way to impress your examiners is to appear confident and listen to their complete question before presenting your reply.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 5:03 am on May 25, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the tips. I am studying daily for at least two hours for my viva. I have started making notes and that’s quite a good way to go about it. So, for those who are expecting their viva, can also use this approach for their preparation.

    • Danielle Veronneau 12:22 pm on June 1, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Hey, I was going through this query and I feel like giving my input. I believe that apart from all the tips, you need to prepare for your presentation as well. Relevant and enough slides are an integral part of that, to make sure that everything happens within the time. You can work on that too.

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