sylviapetrie - Research Discussions

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  • sylviapetrie 11:22 am on September 12, 2017  

    Just a few days ago, I read a blog by a student from Walden University sharing his experience of being a research student. He scared the hell out of me saying that thesis defense is probably one of the toughest and challenging tasks if compared to other milestones in research. And every 10 out 50 […]

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    • Marie Grover 12:03 pm on September 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Without scaring you any further, I would clearly confirm that yes thesis defense is actually the toughest challenges during our research. Here in UK (I pursued my PhD in law from University of Southampton ), we usually have two vivas – one with an internal examiner and another with an external one. I am not sure whether the same format is followed in other universities or not. So, make sure you are well acquainted with the format of thesis defense in your university. It usually lasts between 30 mins to 45 mins. Do not over exceed this time limit. As your panel would have already read your thesis by this time, they wouldn’t be interested in a word by word reading session of your thesis. They would basically want a concise overview. You will have to justify your research and result findings in a Thesis Defense. No need to act defensive. Maintain a calm and neutral composure – Be confident and not arrogant. Good Luck! You would Do Well!

    • DonnyShinn38 1:06 am on September 15, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It happens to every PhD student. When I was at your place, I was guided well by my seniors. Before appearing for the defense, make sure you have read your thesis word by word thoroughly. Keep yourself well informed with all the aspects of your research. Prepare in advance for potential questions your panel might ask and come up with up convincing answers or counter questions. Your slide presentation should work perfectly without any glaring errors. Do have appropriate illustrations. Speak well because your panel would judge you on that too. Avoid any grammatical mistakes and speak in a formal tone – no slangs permitted. At the end, note down all the comments suggestions of your panel and revise your thesis accordingly. If research life is your vocation, thesis defense is not a big issue. So, make research your passion and you would automatically do well. Hope I answered well!

    • kristan1542 6:02 am on September 17, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I won’t lie to you. Thesis defense is actually a difficult task. It totally depends on your performance, how confidently you present your presentation and how thoroughly you are versed with your concepts. Just keep the following points in your mind while presenting, do not panic, go through your research work properly, do not give the external reviewers a chance to point out questions that you will not be able to answer. I hope you will do well and all the best.

    • abbiehrv20215 6:05 am on September 19, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, hope you are doing well. I’ll keep my suggestion small and simple. Thesis defense is a nerve wracking task and take a lot of time to prepare it, but it is not an impossible one. Different universities have different ways of conducting it and accordingly the rules are designed. But one thing is common, you are given 30-45 minutes of time to present your whole research work and followed by question and answer round, where all the professors from different departments and external professors asks questions about your work.And if you are not able to answer it, then you are in trouble. But this situation will arise when you are not fully prepared. I would suggest, make your presentation interesting with graphics and present it with full enthusiasm. Nobody will dare to give you low marks. All the best pal.

  • sylviapetrie 9:07 am on June 24, 2017  

    I’m in my first year of doctoral program. I have been studying literature regularly to find a topic which interests me. But I could not find any! Thence I tried to look for some guide on internet and read a number of blog posts on how to choose a research topic. But then, all of […]

    Continue reading Criteria of selecting a research topic
    • Maya Verma 1:17 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

    • Tia Ross 8:19 am on June 27, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What I understand by the word ‘manageable’ topic is in terms of resources, knowledge and time. Suppose if you decide the topic Women in the 21st century which is too broad. It covers all the women around the world (black, white, Asian) who can be working in service sectors, taking care of household responsibilities. This topic also encompasses the women from all age groups whether they are married, single, divorced or dowager. You see? Here, you have got a lot of things to explore which you might not be able to study. You lack resources & time to do research. All these things you have to manage by yourself only. You must study and evaluate what all can be done, all can be studied, all can be analysed well. If you pick up large themes to work upon, you might end creating a complete mess of your PhD.
      Hoping all three questions of yours have been answered now.

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