wallybrandon7 - Research Discussions

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  • wallybrandon7 4:25 am on September 10, 2017  

    Hey guys! I am currently writing down my thesis statement but I am unable to articulate myself. I have written and discarded my draft for over 10 times. My research area is Euthanasia. Is it that my research topic is slightly controversial that I am unable to write a convincing thesis statement? I am unable […]

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    • manette 10:23 am on September 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      If he is telling you that your thesis statement is not precise or crisp, it is possible that you might
      be giving too many details of what exactly you mean. Please check if your thesis statement is not
      merely a detailed chain of the research idea or problem you will deal with throughout the rest of
      your paper. Examine the difference between these two thesis statements:
      In this paper, I would like to discuss the relationship between the moral fables and early
      Moral fables narrated to the minds of young children play a significant role in shaping their
      mindset during the childhood which further keeps on evolving until the teen age. Can you spot the crispest one? Instead of only making the statements in the introduction of your thesis, it would be more compelling if the idea you are dealing with is mentioned much before. For clarification of any doubt, you may contact me at [email protected]. I would readily help you out.

    • Maya Verma 4:21 am on September 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Agreed with Manette. You must avoid making simple statements using generic language. You must explain what you intend in apt words. You should never assume that this thing is obvious for the reader to understand your intentions. So, ensure that the choice of words and sentence structure clearly reflects the essence of your thesis.

    • kristan1542 6:02 am on September 16, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Firstly, i would like to tell you, the topic that you have selected is good. It is unique and not so many people prefer to work on such area of research because it can sometimes be controversial and hard to defend. Since this will not be a problem with you because, you must have thoroughly gone through and well researched about your topic. This is definitely a plus point for you. One thing to be kept in mind while writing a thesis statement is, it should be clearly understandable by the readers. Do not include too many loops, keep it straightforward and crisp.

    • Tia Ross 2:01 am on September 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What I have understood from your question is, you are a bit skeptical about your topic that you have selected. That is why you are facing troubles in preparing your first proper draft of your thesis. In my suggestion, take a break of a day. Give time to your brain to freshen up and then start it afresh. I think, this technique will help you in jotting down your thesis statement. No need to panic. I hope you will do well.

  • wallybrandon7 7:26 am on July 11, 2017  

    Hi all. Please advise me for finding the relevant information and correct references for my thesis? I have done research and consulted a wide literature back then. I noted some of the references, but now when I began writing my thesis, I felt as if those references are way too limited. I should add some […]

    Continue reading How do I find references for my thesis?
    • Marie Grover 3:30 am on July 12, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Uh! Can you please be a little specific? I mean do you want to get references for extending the references list or your thesis really lack detailed authentic information? For either of reasons, you require in depth knowledge and critical thinking. If you had a few references, you could trace a lot more by critically reading it all over again which we call a bibliographic chain. Extensive research upon some collated with other works will help you find key findings or theories supportive of your thesis.

    • sylviapetrie 2:32 am on July 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Access and use online databases that provide bibliographic records of literature for a selected field and frequently provide full text. Like ABI has abstract, index, and full text for journals, periodicals annual reports, etc. for business research.

    • DonnyShinn38 12:37 pm on July 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      This journal contains all research papers, articles and conference proceedings in the discipline of arts & humanities & especially in American Feminism. See if you can make something out of it https://www.library.ucsb.edu/node/2280

    • kristan1542 7:39 am on July 15, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What are your supervisor’s comments? Has he reviewed your references and any draft that you might have prepared? Instead of looking for something more, first write a rough draft of your literature review and get it reviewed by your supervisor, and if it lacked something significant, then he could advise you on how to proceed.

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