Becoming A Motivated Doctorate Student
If you have patience, and you believe in hard work, then PhD or doctorate degree is surely an option for you. Students often ask that how long it takes to get a doctorate degree, instead they should ask what it takes a PhD student to become successful (Graduate after completing PhD Thesis). The sole aim of the PhD or doctoral program is to provide the student with advance and in-depth knowledge within his or her field of research.
In order to become a motivated doctorate or PhD student, you don’t just need to be smart but also need to develop an attitude of concentration and thinking beyond the limits. To escape with a PhD you should be meaningful enough to convince a panel of experts with your research.
An enthused doctorate scholar should be keen to research and very quick at picking up new information. Research is all about picking small clues and then solving the questions. A PhD student must have a self-driven interest in solving and revealing unknown problems.
A PhD scholar should understand there is no magic wand using which he/she can earn a doctorate degree. Most of the novice PhD students come ill-prepared and as a consequence many of them fail to achieve their target. Students should look for better ways to go and should not only move on the road map laid down by their supervisor. Along with this, they should develop good writing skills so as to present their project skillfully.
Posted in: PhD Dissertations
James Thompson 11:50 am on February 6, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I liked the very first line of the post. Patience is the primary quality you must have if you are pursuing a doctorate.
Andria Nelson 10:15 am on February 10, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yea since your paper is rarely accepted, you keep on improving it to get acceptance…lol
Bob Miller 10:20 am on February 13, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Paper rejection is seriously like a heart break. You put so much of efforts and you end up getting it rejected.
Annie Johnson 10:23 am on February 27, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You guys are right, but looking at the other side of the coin, getting your paper accepted is the biggest achievement.
Isaiah 11:17 am on September 25, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
After reading it I am feeling so much motivated.
Emma 9:42 am on September 26, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Very true lines – we cannot just get a ph.d degree with some magic wand.
Vincent 4:39 am on September 29, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yes a lot of hard work is required.
Teresa 12:55 pm on September 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
we should always try to explore our interest areas first about what our interest area is and then come to some conclusion.