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  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 11:53 am on January 2, 2018
    Tags: PhD thesis, research ethics, research methodology   

    Hello! I am a PhD student of Sociology, my research investigates the Penan people, a nomadic indigenous community that remains to be hunters and gatherers. My research, studies the impact that widespread deforestation has left on dozens of Penan families, with no other choice but to flee their ancestral homes. Once displaced, these hunter-gatherer tribes, […]

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    • manette 12:10 am on January 2, 2018 | Log in to Reply

      Name: Andrew Mannete Email: [email protected]
      Hi !! your research sounds interesting as well as intriguing, humanistic studies is undoubtedly a complex domain for research. As much you have manged to describe about your research here, on the basis of it I am unable to suggest a precise research methodology. However currently there are innumerable studies being conducted on tribal communities of South America and Native Americans, using ingenious ways that to communicate and understand the tribal culture as well as people. The following portals might help you get a number of research papers, which might as well give you a chance to evaluate the various methodologies employed in these papers and then work your way through it.

    • Maya Verma 4:11 am on January 3, 2018 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, your apprehension is absolutely reasonable, I am not trying to generalize but I faced a similar experience when I was writing a research paper on the tribal community of the Bhils in Gujrat, India. In conducting research on indigenous communities, first hand communication is an invariable limitation which can be mitigated if you could rope in any experienced and quality translator but it cannot be totally done away with. It could be helpful if you could reach out to any journalist or an anthropologist who have worked around and about your research area.

  • Marie Grover 12:02 pm on October 13, 2017  

    Guys, can someone please help me in formatting my research paper in APA format? I have written one research paper which I need to submit to a journal within a month. The editors of the journal have asked me to format its presentation as per the APA format. I have bought an APA guide for […]

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  • kristan1542 12:31 pm on July 17, 2017  

    I took PhD admission two years back in Capella University with a prospect of completing it without much havoc. For the first 8-9 months, I was excited all the time while strolling in the college library, scheduling sessions with the adviser, attending the conferences. But then, this excitement took no time in turning into the […]

    Continue reading Should I quit PhD?
    • manette 1:33 am on July 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I totally understand you. PhD is a lonely experience and you should only quit it when you feel like you can’t bear the contractions anymore. But you must understand that there are peaks and valleys in PhD research and you can finish it much conveniently than you think you cannot. It’s just that you need motivation. May be you can look for some motivation from your adviser or your colleagues. If you have survived these two years in the doctoral program, then it’s worth continuing.

    • williammccaughey 7:40 am on July 20, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It is your decision! You should only do what you love. So there are no issues if you are not loving this phd life. You know what, take a break and stop thinking about your research for a month. Get connected to nature, walk by the ocean to refresh your mind! And in this break, see if you are happy without PhD or not, do whatever you love, roam wherever you always wanted to and anything thrilling. If you are still unhappy, then it is not your PhD but some other issues that are introducing negative vibes. It is entirely your call!!!! If you want to continue, go for it. If not, think again.

    • wallybrandon7 11:41 am on July 21, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      If your mental health is giving up, then there is no better decision than quitting it. So there is this girl who quit her PhD & having a great life. May be she could encourage you in following your heart

  • wallybrandon7 7:26 am on July 11, 2017  

    Hi all. Please advise me for finding the relevant information and correct references for my thesis? I have done research and consulted a wide literature back then. I noted some of the references, but now when I began writing my thesis, I felt as if those references are way too limited. I should add some […]

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    • Marie Grover 3:30 am on July 12, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Uh! Can you please be a little specific? I mean do you want to get references for extending the references list or your thesis really lack detailed authentic information? For either of reasons, you require in depth knowledge and critical thinking. If you had a few references, you could trace a lot more by critically reading it all over again which we call a bibliographic chain. Extensive research upon some collated with other works will help you find key findings or theories supportive of your thesis.

    • sylviapetrie 2:32 am on July 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Access and use online databases that provide bibliographic records of literature for a selected field and frequently provide full text. Like ABI has abstract, index, and full text for journals, periodicals annual reports, etc. for business research.

    • DonnyShinn38 12:37 pm on July 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      This journal contains all research papers, articles and conference proceedings in the discipline of arts & humanities & especially in American Feminism. See if you can make something out of it

    • kristan1542 7:39 am on July 15, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What are your supervisor’s comments? Has he reviewed your references and any draft that you might have prepared? Instead of looking for something more, first write a rough draft of your literature review and get it reviewed by your supervisor, and if it lacked something significant, then he could advise you on how to proceed.

  • Dinen 12:13 pm on June 16, 2017  

    Hi all! I’m doing a research on inter-racial marriages and mixed-race children. I am thinking of going for a qualitative analysis. Highly confused what will work the best? I am currently working with three supervisors. All of them have a different say – grounded theory, IPA, discourse analysis etc. I personally want to go for […]

    Continue reading Qualitative Analysis
  • carlosfoust8864 6:50 am on June 15, 2017  

    Hey guys! I am going to start with my PhD this July at Newcastle University. After great thought, I have selected an area of research – “Theatre and Gothic Novel”. I found it pretty much interesting. I really haven’t decided on any hypothesis or any research objective. I am thinking of going with an open […]

    Continue reading Methodology – Grounded Theory
    • carinanicoll 6:54 am on June 16, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi! Your topic seems to be amazing. It has a lot of scope. You really need to be very passionate about your Research Topic if you choose Grounded Theory as its a ‘Bottom-up approach’. Your research wouldn’t be restricted to the limits of your pre-assumed hypothesis. You will find a lot of patterns and themes. It is going to be an interesting experience. No need to have second thoughts. Go ahead with it.

    • BrentCheyne 6:58 am on June 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hey….. good luck for your research. To be frank, grounded theory is the least preferred option of researchers. There is a vague roadmap ahead and you really can’t be sure if you’ll get a theory worthy enough to be presented in a thesis. Take a risk if you want to. I will suggest you otherwise.

    • Brian Johnson 7:00 am on June 20, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I believe GT is a bit underrated. It works if you have a perceptive mind. You’ll be dealing with a lot of inductive reasoning. If you ask for suggestions, I guess you can try to find a parallel between Gothic plays being enacted at the theatres & Gothic Literature. GT involves constant comparisons, memoing and deriving new themes.

    • charolettemccubb 7:04 am on June 25, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I suppose you are performing a research for the first time. Hope you know how to get your way around GT. You will be supposed to extract the theory embedded within the data. It’s extremely time consuming & usually works out well in case of qualitative analysis.

  • kristan1542 10:25 am on January 3, 2017  

    Hi all, I am pursuing PhD. I am at methodology stage from a very long time. This stage is taking much more time than it should. But even after investing past few days, I am unable to decide which method should I include in my research. I can’t decide as to which approach will be […]

    Continue reading Research Methods
    • Anmar Bishara 1:22 am on January 3, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Methodology section holds the core of your paper. It is the proof that which scientific method is used. After doing the research, clearly mention answers to these two questions.
      • How did you collect/generate the data?
      • How did you analyse the data?

    • abbiehrv20215 12:16 pm on January 3, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Since you are focusing on internet marketing, I suggest you to go for a quantitative approach.

    • desmondneace2 12:24 pm on January 3, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      When I was writing my research methodology, my supervisor advised me to explain the collection and analysis of data. You must explain to the readers why you chose a particular approach. They need to know that the collection of data is valid in the field of study.

  • Anmar Bishara 11:05 am on December 17, 2016  

    Could anyone make a clear distinction between IPA and Thematic analysis in psychology?

    • Robert Taylor 2:09 am on December 18, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) and thematic analysis both can be used to analyse most types of qualitative data such as interviews, focus groups, diaries, qualitative surveys, secondary sources, vignettes, story completion tasks etc. The basic difference is that coding in TA begins after a process of data familiarization, in which the researcher notes any initial analytic observations about each data item and the entire data-set. Coding in IPA consists of a process of ‘initial commenting’ or ‘initial noting,’ in which the researcher writes their initial analytic observations about the data on the data item.

    • bridgette6020 12:45 pm on December 19, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      In IPA, researcher codes his first data and develops themes for it instead of first coding the entire data, which happens in thematic analysis. Also, two levels of theme development involved in IPA but only one in theme analysis. Google it for I do not have much knowledge about these levels.

    • Anmar Bishara 11:11 am on December 20, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Okay, I will do that but thanks for briefing. Does the result yielded through both methods differ?

    • bridgette6020 10:14 am on December 21, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Not much. Similar results are likely to be obtained. Analytic methods do effect but not much since the concept remains same.

    • Anmar Bishara 6:17 am on December 22, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      But the question remains same. Which is better?

    • Robert Taylor 7:18 am on December 23, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      I would suggest thematic analysis when you want to use data that do not capture first-person accounts of personal experiences (such as focus groups or story completion tasks), and when working with larger samples.

  • desmondneace2 11:57 am on December 11, 2016  

    NEED HELP URGENTLY! Please suggest readings and overview of General Liner Model. I have to begin from the very start. Please suggest me something to know all the basics of it.

  • Henry Lush 3:16 am on December 3, 2016  

    Can anyone tell me what actually is ABD? My supervisor scares me that I would be called ABD if I don’t work harder and focused. There are numerous articles available describing ABD status but I don’t find anything disgraceful about it. What are your opinion pals?

    • Lucie Roger 3:25 am on December 3, 2016 | Log in to Reply

       First of all, ABD stands for ‘All But Dissertation’ used to identify those PhD students who have successfully prepared coursework, passed preliminary exam or any other qualification required for PhD but yet has to complete or defend thesis successfully. And to get more clear idea of ABD, check out this article

      • manette 5:09 am on December 5, 2016 | Log in to Reply

        I agree. It’s not at all disgraceful. If it is disgraceful then how about PhD candidates? A candidate is someone is enrolled in PhD and may or may not have completed his coursework. And ABD is much more advanced than a candidate since he has completed coursework and fulfilled other requirements, only left dissertation.

    • abbiehrv20215 5:14 am on December 5, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      But isn’t ABD is called a candidate who has done all but dissertation? In my opinion, candidate and ABD can be used interchangeably.

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