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  • sylviapetrie 11:22 am on September 12, 2017  

    Just a few days ago, I read a blog by a student from Walden University sharing his experience of being a research student. He scared the hell out of me saying that thesis defense is probably one of the toughest and challenging tasks if compared to other milestones in research. And every 10 out 50 […]

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    • Marie Grover 12:03 pm on September 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Without scaring you any further, I would clearly confirm that yes thesis defense is actually the toughest challenges during our research. Here in UK (I pursued my PhD in law from University of Southampton ), we usually have two vivas – one with an internal examiner and another with an external one. I am not sure whether the same format is followed in other universities or not. So, make sure you are well acquainted with the format of thesis defense in your university. It usually lasts between 30 mins to 45 mins. Do not over exceed this time limit. As your panel would have already read your thesis by this time, they wouldn’t be interested in a word by word reading session of your thesis. They would basically want a concise overview. You will have to justify your research and result findings in a Thesis Defense. No need to act defensive. Maintain a calm and neutral composure – Be confident and not arrogant. Good Luck! You would Do Well!

    • DonnyShinn38 1:06 am on September 15, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It happens to every PhD student. When I was at your place, I was guided well by my seniors. Before appearing for the defense, make sure you have read your thesis word by word thoroughly. Keep yourself well informed with all the aspects of your research. Prepare in advance for potential questions your panel might ask and come up with up convincing answers or counter questions. Your slide presentation should work perfectly without any glaring errors. Do have appropriate illustrations. Speak well because your panel would judge you on that too. Avoid any grammatical mistakes and speak in a formal tone – no slangs permitted. At the end, note down all the comments suggestions of your panel and revise your thesis accordingly. If research life is your vocation, thesis defense is not a big issue. So, make research your passion and you would automatically do well. Hope I answered well!

    • kristan1542 6:02 am on September 17, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I won’t lie to you. Thesis defense is actually a difficult task. It totally depends on your performance, how confidently you present your presentation and how thoroughly you are versed with your concepts. Just keep the following points in your mind while presenting, do not panic, go through your research work properly, do not give the external reviewers a chance to point out questions that you will not be able to answer. I hope you will do well and all the best.

    • abbiehrv20215 6:05 am on September 19, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, hope you are doing well. I’ll keep my suggestion small and simple. Thesis defense is a nerve wracking task and take a lot of time to prepare it, but it is not an impossible one. Different universities have different ways of conducting it and accordingly the rules are designed. But one thing is common, you are given 30-45 minutes of time to present your whole research work and followed by question and answer round, where all the professors from different departments and external professors asks questions about your work.And if you are not able to answer it, then you are in trouble. But this situation will arise when you are not fully prepared. I would suggest, make your presentation interesting with graphics and present it with full enthusiasm. Nobody will dare to give you low marks. All the best pal.

  • dorothyclemens 6:29 am on August 23, 2017  

    I’m final year undergraduate student of Psychology and wish to get admission for pursuing doctoral research at Walden University. My interest lies in advanced research in the discipline of psychopathology. I have already begun searching for the Walden uni culture and processes. In one of the uni blogs I read, that one must start writing […]

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    • Anmar Bishara 4:25 am on August 23, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Your choice in the selection of university is great. Walden university is known for its reputation and good quality of education. Thus, they select the best candidates for the doctoral program. They do not compromise with the quality of the content. The first and the foremost thing you need to focus on is that your statement of purpose should be straightforward and crisp. It should cover all the aspects including why you want to pursue that particular subject, create links between topics, take help from your professors, go through Walden university catalog. Mention all possible reasons why you want to join their university. All the best!

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 12:07 pm on August 28, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Statement of purpose is the deciding factor whether you will get the university of your choice or not. So, it is utmost important to spend good quality of time working on it. You need to prepare your statement of purpose in such a way that it stands out among the rest of the applications. I am outlining some of the points that you need to keep in mind while preparing your statement of purpose. A ‘hook’ that demonstrates your field of interest for which you are passionate about, academic background description, mention about your professors. Special features of the doctoral program which attract you, finally proofread and copy edit. Take help from your professors and friends. I hope, i was able to answer your query.

    • wallybrandon7 11:19 am on September 5, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Walden is one of the most reputed institutes to pursue PhD. And therefore, its benchmarks for accepting candidates for PhD programs are also higher. While reviewing a statement of purpose, they are usually on a lookout for competent researchers, especially those who are driven by self- motivation. As far as the content is concerned, you need to maintain continuity and focus. Write in an active voice and avoid passive voice as much as you can. And also the ending needs to be reassuring. Do mention how you are looking forward to join the University for your Research. Also, have a look at this sop. I hope it can help you. Good Luck!

    • sylviapetrie 11:16 am on September 12, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      As I can see from your topic, you are trying to do advanced research on mental health and behavioral issues. Now your Statement of Purpose needs to make you stand apart. You need to convince the admissions committee how your academic interest in psychopathology has motivated you to pursue research in this particular area. Check out Walden University’s faculty on its website and find out the tentative names of professors belonging to your area of research. You can also mention them in your sop, if you wish. It would show your interest in the doctoral program and the uni and definitely encourage your admission committee to accept it.

  • kristan1542 12:31 pm on July 17, 2017  

    I took PhD admission two years back in Capella University with a prospect of completing it without much havoc. For the first 8-9 months, I was excited all the time while strolling in the college library, scheduling sessions with the adviser, attending the conferences. But then, this excitement took no time in turning into the […]

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    • manette 1:33 am on July 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I totally understand you. PhD is a lonely experience and you should only quit it when you feel like you can’t bear the contractions anymore. But you must understand that there are peaks and valleys in PhD research and you can finish it much conveniently than you think you cannot. It’s just that you need motivation. May be you can look for some motivation from your adviser or your colleagues. If you have survived these two years in the doctoral program, then it’s worth continuing.

    • williammccaughey 7:40 am on July 20, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It is your decision! You should only do what you love. So there are no issues if you are not loving this phd life. You know what, take a break and stop thinking about your research for a month. Get connected to nature, walk by the ocean to refresh your mind! And in this break, see if you are happy without PhD or not, do whatever you love, roam wherever you always wanted to and anything thrilling. If you are still unhappy, then it is not your PhD but some other issues that are introducing negative vibes. It is entirely your call!!!! If you want to continue, go for it. If not, think again.

    • wallybrandon7 11:41 am on July 21, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      If your mental health is giving up, then there is no better decision than quitting it. So there is this girl who quit her PhD & having a great life. May be she could encourage you in following your heart

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