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  • Marie Grover 6:50 am on September 28, 2017  

    Hi. I’m having issues with my advisor with my publishing of my research paper. He is saying that I should submit it to any journal of low level because he thinks they would easily publish my research paper without any hassle. But I want to publish in a good journal having a good impact factor. […]

    Continue reading Where to publish my manuscript?
    • manette 3:13 am on September 29, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      I am expecting you must be having more than one mentor. So, you can do one thing. If you are unable to persuade the current one then you can try and convince the other one. There is a high probability that the other mentor would agree with you.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 5:43 am on October 3, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      In my opinion, you should listen to what your advisor has to say. He is senior to you and has more experience than you in this field. Go with his advice, and this is just the beginning, later in your academic and professional career, your research paper will get published in reputed journals.

    • Maya Verma 11:53 am on October 4, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Well, this seems to be a serious problem. What you can do from your end is, try to put strong points in front of your advisor for the second time. Make all efforts to convince him that the research paper is strong enough to be published in a good journal. Present it well, so that it gets approved this time. Best of luck.

    • Tia Ross 7:34 am on October 7, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Hi! Can you just go through the following link! It has a lot of advice regarding how you can deal with your supervisor’s advice regarding publishing research papers. Here it is – Hope it will help you.

  • wallybrandon7 4:25 am on September 10, 2017  

    Hey guys! I am currently writing down my thesis statement but I am unable to articulate myself. I have written and discarded my draft for over 10 times. My research area is Euthanasia. Is it that my research topic is slightly controversial that I am unable to write a convincing thesis statement? I am unable […]

    Continue reading Thesis Statement Writing Help!
    • manette 10:23 am on September 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      If he is telling you that your thesis statement is not precise or crisp, it is possible that you might
      be giving too many details of what exactly you mean. Please check if your thesis statement is not
      merely a detailed chain of the research idea or problem you will deal with throughout the rest of
      your paper. Examine the difference between these two thesis statements:
      In this paper, I would like to discuss the relationship between the moral fables and early
      Moral fables narrated to the minds of young children play a significant role in shaping their
      mindset during the childhood which further keeps on evolving until the teen age. Can you spot the crispest one? Instead of only making the statements in the introduction of your thesis, it would be more compelling if the idea you are dealing with is mentioned much before. For clarification of any doubt, you may contact me at [email protected]. I would readily help you out.

    • Maya Verma 4:21 am on September 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Agreed with Manette. You must avoid making simple statements using generic language. You must explain what you intend in apt words. You should never assume that this thing is obvious for the reader to understand your intentions. So, ensure that the choice of words and sentence structure clearly reflects the essence of your thesis.

    • kristan1542 6:02 am on September 16, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Firstly, i would like to tell you, the topic that you have selected is good. It is unique and not so many people prefer to work on such area of research because it can sometimes be controversial and hard to defend. Since this will not be a problem with you because, you must have thoroughly gone through and well researched about your topic. This is definitely a plus point for you. One thing to be kept in mind while writing a thesis statement is, it should be clearly understandable by the readers. Do not include too many loops, keep it straightforward and crisp.

    • Tia Ross 2:01 am on September 18, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      What I have understood from your question is, you are a bit skeptical about your topic that you have selected. That is why you are facing troubles in preparing your first proper draft of your thesis. In my suggestion, take a break of a day. Give time to your brain to freshen up and then start it afresh. I think, this technique will help you in jotting down your thesis statement. No need to panic. I hope you will do well.

  • DonnyShinn38 11:11 am on September 4, 2017  

    Hi all! Can someone help me understand the scientific use of tenses. I am currently writing a research paper on female genital mutilation and unluckily grammar hasn’t been one of my areas of interest. And, my professor keeps on suggesting me to use the tenses in a scientific way.

    Continue reading Scientific uses of tenses
    • Tia Ross 3:06 am on September 5, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      As far as i know there are no strict rules when it comes to scientific use of tenses. Just keep these four tenses in your mind i.e simple past, simple present, present perfect and past perfect. You just need guidance in positioning these tenses at right places in your research study. You can take help from They provide high quality editing services. All the best. Keep writing.

    • sylviapetrie 2:17 am on September 7, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      It depends upon whether you are writing a fact, idea, event in the past, present or future, or simply sharing the opinion. I don’t think there is any hard and fast rule in scientific writing, and it is just that you need to be clear and to the point while writing.So, if you are stating universal facts or general statements, you should write in simple present tense. Past tense can be used for the recent research studies done, conclusions or theories were drawn. Also, present perfect can be used if unclear about the time of any occurrence or event. Not to forget, you must use simple past tense with the passive voice, and for conclusion section, present perfect tense can be used.

    • wallybrandon7 12:23 pm on September 13, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      You may choose to glance this book. It focuses on the scientific writing in the medical field. Thought it to be helpful for you. Good luck and write well!

    • abbiehrv20215 9:32 am on September 14, 2017 | Log in to Reply

      Use of correct tenses while writing your thesis is important and use of English language at right place can be very confusing. The situation gets significantly more tangled when you need to choose which tense to use while composing a scientific research paper. In scientific writing, use of tenses relies on the section of the paper being written. I will highlights some secret to using tenses in scientific writing which my professor told me. Use simple present tense for defining the objective of the study, review of literature, and results of past research. Simple past tense to explain existing research on the topic and to describe your actions i.e how you did it or why you did it. In the end, in your discussion section, use past tense to summarize findings, present tense to present results and conclusion and finally use future tense to make recommendations for future research aspects. I hope i was able to answer your query. Best of luck.

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