Qualitative Analysis
Hi all! I’m doing a research on inter-racial marriages and mixed-race children. I am thinking of going for a qualitative analysis. Highly confused what will work the best? I am currently working with three supervisors. All of them have a different say – grounded theory, IPA, discourse analysis etc. I personally want to go for […]
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Henry Lush 3:43 am on December 12, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
It’s a three tier process; in open coding, tentative labeling of chunks of data that summarize what you see is needed. Axial coding is done to identify relationships among the open codes. And in selective coding, figure out the core variable that includes all of the data. Then reread the transcripts and selectively code any data that relates to the core variable you identified.
abbiehrv20215 10:48 am on December 14, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Okay so they are inter-related?
Henry Lush 2:46 am on December 15, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
One can say that. These are more stages/phases involved in qualitative research.
Henry Lush 1:56 am on December 16, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Also, while preparing an axial coding, we must put subsidiaries categories around a main category like conditions, strategies, context, and consequences.
Robert Taylor 10:54 am on December 16, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Got it. Thanks for reverting back.