DIY for correcting thesis
I need to make revisions in my thesis, which I am doing the second time now. I definitely made mistakes the first time and so my supervisor is quite pissed at me. No room for mistakes, he says. Anyways, I am used to his chitter-chatter, but I do want to make it right and get on with my life. So what should I do now, proofreading? Editing? And how should I start with it? I don’t want to take any professional help so would really appreciate if you guys can tell me how you do it yourself?
Posted in: PhD Thesis
Danielle Veronneau 12:11 pm on September 27, 2016 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thesis corrections is basically proofreading or editing the complete document. As you have done it before, maybe you left out the proper structural flow in your thesis. So I suggest you rather go through it all again, but, only after a break. See editing requires concentration and you can’t do that with a tired brain. So take a time off and do your editing chapter wise.