DianaFreeh - Research Discussions

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  • HarryStewart HarryStewart 12:05 pm on August 29, 2016  

    I have been officially tagged with the unofficial term ABD, as it has been more than 5 years of my PhD with no scope of completing the dissertation. I have completely lost my focus due to my priorities of resolving the issues of my life. And now I just see it as something which is […]

    Continue reading How to get out of ABD status?
    • Jillian Harwell 10:13 am on August 31, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      One thing I can say is that you are not alone! It usually takes time to write a dissertation and 5 years is not that bad actually. The thing with ABD is that life takes over the studies and you no longer have time to complete your dissertation, and so you get stuck. While I am still doing my PhD, my brother went through something around the similar lines. Not many people will agree on a social site but taking professional help is the most safest and effective option. I am attaching a link to a website from where I got editing done for my research paper. You can go through their site and this blog, which might help you out.


    • Diana Freeh 4:50 am on September 3, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Well, to cross ABD status, you should participate in dissertation workshops with motivational strategies, group discussions and seminars organised by various institutes. These workshops provide you with expert and professional advice on how to go about your research. They can help you understand what you are missing. And as far is writing is concerned, you can join a writing centre for that and trust me, there are tons of them around.

    • HarryStewart HarryStewart 4:10 am on September 5, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the replies. Taking professional help is my last option, but before I would like to try the writing centres.

      @dianafreeh: Do these centres offer online help? And can you please share with me the list of good writing centres?

    • Diana Freeh 5:29 am on September 12, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Yes they do. There are online writing centres. I am sharing a link to a website where you will find a list of 100 resources. Though the list comprises of other academic resources, most of them are writing centres, top ones. You can select the centres from this list, and then go to their website, talk to them and see how that works. Good luck.


  • Jorja Dyson 10:53 am on January 6, 2016  

    They say that a well-designed research project is formulated when you start working on your research design at the very beginning. A tiny little part that ‘they’ missed to mention is: HOW to do it? How are you supposed to choose your ingredients when you don’t even know their tastes? Now, my ignorant guide has […]

    Continue reading What is a research design?
    • Brian Johnson 4:42 am on January 8, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Hey Jorja, you seem to be really confused. I think you are unaware of the whole concept of building a research design. Basically, a research design comprises of ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of your research. Why is your work important? What is your aim? What are you hoping to learn (research questions)? How are you going to answer those questions? What resources will you utilize? These are the questions that you answer in your research design. So, to build your research design, you need to study a lot, a lot of existing literature related to your topic. Identify how they conducted their research and what methods they used. Based on that, you can make a draft of your design and discuss it with your guide. ResearchGate and ScienceDirect are some of the websites from where you can find the desired literature.

    • Praveen Nirman 6:17 am on January 11, 2016 | Log in to Reply

      Research design can be a tricky part. I am looking for a solution too. I understand the components of a research design, but my guide is not that understanding. He keeps on rejecting it and won’t move forward until I complete it. I am not that good in English and maybe that is where I lack. I came across this post and thought that maybe someone could help me.

  • Robert Taylor 7:03 am on September 24, 2013  

    The purpose of a bibliography Documentation is an integral part of any written material. Especially when you write your thesis or dissertation, research plays a vital role in your study. While conducting your research keep in mind that bibliography is very important in the process of successfully completing your study. Bibliography is a section of […]

    Continue reading An insight into Bibliographic Documentation
    • Nancy Billingsley 12:48 pm on November 26, 2013 | Log in to Reply

      This one is nice.

    • Julie Sanders 11:01 am on January 5, 2014 | Log in to Reply

      I was facing trouble with the bibliography part but this post gave me quite a clear insight.

    • Michael 11:30 am on September 25, 2014 | Log in to Reply

      Right Julie this is a really useful insight.

    • Madison 10:12 am on September 26, 2014 | Log in to Reply

      Never new a bibliography also has a pre-set format.

    • Mary 4:57 am on September 29, 2014 | Log in to Reply

      Bibliography is the last chapter of a thesis and we should make sure to do it properly and in the right way to maintain the standard of the thesis

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